Rear End Making Noise


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  • Rear End Making Noise

    1984 gas ezgo when climbing hills the rear end sounds like it has gears grinding, after tearing down rear end all gears ok. any ideas

    I have a 1984 ezgo gasser, my problem is when pulling a steep hill it sounds like the gears are grinding in the rear end. I tore the rear end down and removed the spider and found no stripped splines no bad bearings everything was in good shape, could the driven clutch be causing this problem?
    Updated by Michael Eddie; April 18, 2009, 08:27 PM. Reason: double posts merged

  • #2
    Posted earlier by dmal
    1984 gas ezgo when climbing hills the rear end sounds like it has gears grinding, after tearing down rear end all gears ok. any ideas
    Check the tips of the axles where the wheels bolt on, make sure the bolts at the ends are tight and are not spinning when going up that hill. And check the clutches and belts, how worn they are and if everything is tight. Most likely it is in one of those spots.


    • #3
      Nuts were tight, belt is in good shape,do you think the driven clutch could be jumping over the cogs, I dont see how that is possible but maybe. dmal


      • #4
        Posted earlier by dmal
        Nuts were tight, belt is in good shape,do you think the driven clutch could be jumping over the cogs, I dont see how that is possible but maybe. dmal
        Don't think so, you can jack up the rear tires and look at how everything is moving when you are running the engine.


        • #5
          I have one that is having the same problem. It ended up that the secondary was banging into the primary clutch upon slowdown when going downhill. We re-shimmed the pinion down slightly to the keep the secondary clutch away primary a little. (NOTE: Used new bearings, made sure the R&P still made appropriate engagements, etc.). However, this only lasted one season of someone using it as transportation at a vacation trailer park.

          A torque bar was used to pull the motor away from the secondary a little. While this seemed to help a little, the problem is still occurring. Going to look into it further this week and will post what I find out.

          Some thoughts that were being tossed around:

          1) Housing is shot and/or warps once it is warm allowing the pinion to fall over

          2) Diff is shot (which it isn't making any noises, nor does it get unnaturally hot when it is making the noises and didn't find any "surprises" during last years tear down, etc.).

          3) Bad motor mount(s)/boss(es)/loose (doesn't appear to be, but will look at it more this week).

          Anyone have any other ideas?

          Updated by ChrisG3; June 28, 2010, 02:25 PM.


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