1987 ezgo gas golf cart rear differential fluid


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  • 1987 ezgo gas golf cart rear differential fluid

    I have a I believe it's a 1987 ezgo gas golf cart 2 stroke. Can someone tell me what kind of fluid does the rear differential take and how much.

  • #2
    When you look it up in the manual it tells you to use Chevron RPM Delo Multi Service 200-30 oil. Problem is, when you go to the parts store and ask for this specific product, they have no clue what you are talking about.

    Really, the "200-30" designation refers to the specific product classification. "200" refers to the oil's performance or application category, indicating that it is a multi purpose oil suitable for a variety of ENGINE types. You read that correct, EZGO used oil typically used in engines in your rear differential. Now, "30" indicates the oil's viscosity grade at 100C (212F), which aligns with SAE 30 weight oil. "Delo" was a brand name under Chevron, specifically associated with their line of quality engine oils. And "Multi-Service" meant that the oil was designed for use in multiple types of engines and applications making it versatile.

    So when you go to the auto parts store, ask for SAE 30 oil. This is the single grade oil with a viscosity suitable for moderate temperature ranges for your rear. The manual calls for 2.0 pints. With the cart on a level surface, the lubricant level should be to the bottom level of the filler plug hole.
    Updated by Michael Eddie; August 21, 2024, 02:07 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping someone can help me out. When I accelerate forward it takes a little bit to get going when it goes the cart goes slow. When I put the cart in reverse it goes a lot faster like it should. Here are some of the things I did already. I put new gas in new fuel filter, cleaned carburetor, cleaned out the air filter, new spark plug, I also tried couple different clutches and still did the same thing.


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