21 ezgo L6 gets up to full throttle, slips out for a second and right back in full throttle constantly


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  • 21 ezgo L6 gets up to full throttle, slips out for a second and right back in full throttle constantly

    2021 ezgo L6 has no problem getting up to full throttle but once it gets there, everything stops for about a second and then jumps right back into full speed. Any remedies would be appreciated.
    being the newb I am, I’m thinking throttle sensor or speed sensor? Although I can’t seem to find a speed sensor on the gas model.
    Updated by Maintenance newb; October 5, 2022, 05:38 PM.

  • #2
    2000 EZGO gas cart keeps running several minutes after you take your foot of the gas, apply the parking brake and turn the key off.


    • #3
      Hey did you figure this out my cart is doing the same thing,thanks


      • Mvanosdall
        Mvanosdall commented
        Editing a comment
        No I have not. Hoping someone has delt with this and figured it out.

    • #4
      Oh ok I haven’t figured it out yet as well…frustrating lol


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