Help with Spark Gas coming out breather


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  • Help with Spark Gas coming out breather

    2007 Ezgo 4/C Replaced Igniter because of a no spark issue. Now have spark only when you first step on pedal. Also I have gas and oil now coming the intake hose or air filter hose. Really could use some help. The pulser ohms out at 20 ohms. Thanks for any help
    Updated by Keithrs67; August 7, 2018, 09:49 AM.

  • #2
    It looks like you’re dealing with a few different problems here. Let me explain. The igniter even though you’ve replaced it, just because it’s new doesn’t guarantee it’s working properly, especially if it’s an aftermarket part. Inside the igniter, transistors and capacitors control the timing and strength of the spark. If these components are faulty, even slightly, they can fail to send the proper signal to the coil leading to issues like spark when you first step on the pedal. Aftermarket igniters have less stringent quality control, meaning components can be more prone to failure right out of the box. That’s why going OEM is always the best choice. If OEM isn’t available, Red Hawk parts are typically more reliable than other aftermarket options and could be worth considering as next best.

    Regarding the gas coming out of the intake, this suggests the engine is flooding. These engines need the intake to be completely sealed in order to pull the right amount of fuel and air. If the intake isn’t fully sealed with the air filter installed, the vacuum is lost, which causes too much fuel to get drawn into the cylinder, leading to flooding. Make sure all the connections in the intake and air filter are sealed tightly.

    As for the oil coming through the intake it’s often caused by overfilling the oil. If there’s too much oil, it can be forced into the intake system when the engine cranks but doesn’t fire correctly. I’d recommend draining the oil and refilling it with 1 to 1.5 quarts for now to confirm it’s at the correct level. These three issues, igniter, flooding, and oil overflow, combined create the issues you are experiencing, and resolving each one should get your engine back on track.


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