just signed up & need help


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  • just signed up & need help

    My ezgo was hardly moving. I thought the belt was slipping so I changed it.Didnt help.So heres what happens- if you spray carb cleaner or starter fluid in the carb it will run for a few seconds until the fluid burns out, then back to barley creeping. Sometimes it will run so-so, but you must keep the choke pulled, once you unchoke, it goes back to creeping. After a decent bit of carb cleaner it started running good. Then one day for no reason, back to the same. worked on it today- just sprayed more cleaner and kept trying to ride, seems to be doing better but what if it does it again? any suggestions why it would go back to creeping when it was doing ok? thanks for any help

  • #2
    If it will only run with the choke pulled out you need to take the carb apart, something is plugged up
    Updated by edkel1; October 24, 2015, 06:18 PM.


    • #3
      try changing the fuel filter, and the fuel pump and lines might need cleaning as well as the fuel tank but carb needs attention


      • #4
        Welcome to Golf Carts Forum. I agree with all of the above, replace or clean that carburetor.


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