wiring and no spark on a 2001 ez go workhorse with 350 robins engine


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  • wiring and no spark on a 2001 ez go workhorse with 350 robins engine

    ~~ive got a 2001 ezgo workhorse that I got for a really good price. I rebuilt the motor in it and now im trying to get it going. when I got it the solenoid, the ignitor, ands the voltage reg was missing. I had a couple ignitors and a regulator for it, condition not known but I bought a solenoid for it new. my problem is the wiring for the ignitor. the cart spins over but does not start up. there is no fire at the spark plugs. I have a spark testor so that's how I know there is no spark. I am not sure I have the wiring right, I have a diagram and the cart is hooked up just as it looks in the diagram. im not 100% sure its the exact diagram for my cart but it seems really close.
    the biggest ? I have is: is the Orange/white wire on the ignitor supposed to be hooked up to anything and also what about the black/white wire. is it supposed to go to anything.
    I am gonna put a pic of my ignitor on here
    this is how I have it wired
    Black--black thru the connector
    red/white to red white thru connector
    white-red thru connector
    red on connector-start side of solenoid where blue wire is hooked up
    I tried to ohm the coil and I got 2 different readings with my 2 different meters
    what setting should the meter be on
    I am just not real good at wiring but it seems I have the wiring right
    oh yeaH it has a brands new pulsar coil on it
    I guess I should say that the problem im having is the cart has no spark to spark plugs and I just want to make sure evertying is hooked up right
    does anyone have a pic of the back of the key switch to make sure I have that hooked up right

    Updated by keithnra; January 22, 2015, 01:31 PM.

  • #2

    I got it figured out yesterday I didn't have the black/white stripe wire grounded on the ignitor so it wouldn't fire and now its running


    • #3
      Hi keithnra!
      I read your post on Ezgo ingnition problems. Can you possibly help me? I am trying to help a friend who has a similar golf cart. His ingitor burnt up and also the wiring leading to the ignitor box. So, now we cannot reconstruct how the wiring should be applied for the replacement box.

      We have searched the Internet for hours without finding out how the exact pinout of the ignitor box should be. All we have is the electrical schematic of the vehicle which also includes the ignitor box, but there are no details on which pin should go where...

      We are greatful for any help!

      Updated by PeterT; June 22, 2019, 11:03 AM.


      • #4
        This is how his box looks like s-l500.jpg


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