2008 EZGO Cart Smoking Badly


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  • 2008 EZGO Cart Smoking Badly

    I was riding around the block the other day and my 2008 EZGO cart made a poof noise like it was blowing something out the exhaust, not a backfire. It lost power for a minute and then picked back up, but started smoking badly out the exhaust. It filled the neighborhood with oil smoke before I got back home. After it cooled off I ran it around the yard and it seemed to do fine. A few days later I decided to try it around the block again. After it got hot it did the same thing without the poof noise. It lost power and smoked terribly. The exhaust was dripping with oil. I pulled the plugs and they were covered in oil. The oil was slightly over full, but not much. I must have put a little too much oil in when I changed it. It has been running fine for the last 4-5 months since oil was changed until this happened. Does anyone have any idea what is going on with this thing? All suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Send private message if you would like. Thanks, Jim

  • #2
    check the oil again, smell if it has any gas mixed with it. carb gets trash in it,needle valve sticks open- gas fills cyl- leaks down thru the rings & gets into crankcase= over filling then it comes thru the breather into the carb and burns= smoke. does the air filter have any oil on it?


    • #3
      Check the oil dipstick, without adding. If it's above the full mark and you didn't add any it's more than likely the carb. needle valve sticking or the fuel pump is filling the crankcase with gas.


      • #4
        Mine did the same thing. It's a lifted cart and I had too much oil in it. The oil came into the air box from the breather and got sucked in the carb. If its lifted, it only takes 1.5 quarts and I marked where "full" was on the dipstick. I measured before I put the oil in and hasn't done it since....hope this helps.


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