Push button ignition switch


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  • Push button ignition switch

    I am looking for some assistance on how to wire up this push button switch to replace the key ignition switch.

    '98 EZGO TXT Gas
    Current wire configuration:
    Blue wire from ignition switch (I) to solenoid D
    Green wire from ignition switch (D) to micro switch
    I have run a red wire with 15A fuse to the dash for the LED on the push button switch
    I have run black wire connected to the frame to the dash for the push button.

    From there, I am lost. I appreciate the help and thank you in advance.
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  • #2
    You only need the 15a wire if you want the LED on all the time, however it can cause other problems. Like if you turn on the push button the motor will start without pushing the go pedal. To replace the key switch the LED will only come on when go pedal is depressed and the push button is in the on position as the 2 switches are wired in series. Unless the push button is wired ahead of the micro switch on the go pedal.

    First find out if you have 12v at the key switch in OFF position, if not the micro switch is first from the battery. Again with the key switch in the OFF position push the go pedal you should get 12v on one side of the key switch. Then post your findings. It can be rewired to do what you want.
    Updated by Larry1950; January 7, 2014, 08:32 PM.


    • #3

      Thanks for the quick response.
      OK, so it's a no for 12v at the key switch off
      It's a yes, for 12v at the key switch off and go pedal pushed.


      • #4
        Ok, that is what I expected.
        Now what do you want to do?
        It will take moving a couple of wires, possible extending them. The switches are wired in series to activate the solenoid, by moving 2 wires you can put the key switch first and then wire in the push button to light the LED when pushed.


        • #5
          I want to eliminate the key switch and use the push button switch to act like the key switch and use the 3 rocker switches that control the lights, stereo and underbody LED's.

          You are correct in that I want the push button LED to light up when it is pushed in and the go pedal is able to turn the ignition over. Then when pushed again, LED light is off and go pedal will not be able to turn the ignition over.

          Pictures are photo shoped in, but I wanted to give you an image of what I'm trying to accomplish. Once complete I will post the final dashboard.
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          Updated by Jash12; January 8, 2014, 06:03 PM. Reason: added comments


          • #6
            Is this pushbutton switch a push on and push off or is it on when pushed and off when released?
            What I'm really asking is it latching type.
            Updated by gaminde; January 8, 2014, 06:59 PM.


            • #7
              Push on and push off.


              • #8
                Ok, you need to do a couple of things. On the micro switch one side of it should have 12v. If it does not have 12v there is another micro switch involved which will complicate things. On the key switch one wire should go to the solenoid. Once you have marked those 2 wires disconnect the battery. You may have to make up new wires to provide the lengths necessary to move them. Take off the wire with the 12v to the micro switch, remove the wire on the key switch that goes to the solenoid. the wire with the 12v from the micro switch will now go to the same lug on the key switch you took off to the solenoid. The wire going to the solenoid will now go to the micro switch. This should put the key switch first in line. Reconnect the battery and check for 12v at the key switch (off). Turn on key (nothing should happen) depress go pedal and it should start.
                Now you should be able to replace the key switch with the push button with the LED coming on when pushed. Good Luck
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                Updated by Larry1950; January 9, 2014, 09:05 AM.


                • #9

                  Thank you for the help.

                  I got a little confused with your description and I attached a diagram going off your directions. Could you please clarify?

                  Thanks again
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                  • #10
                    This is what you want.
                    No need for a separate battery lead..However you can do it a couple of different ways. Here are some options
                    There is no connection to the center post of the push button.
                    The lug on your left is 12v in. center lug outside is 12v out with a wire to the outside right lug, this lug operates the LED. Sorry my paint skills are lacking. Hope this helps
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                    Updated by Larry1950; January 10, 2014, 09:41 AM.


                    • #11
                      Thanks Larry. I'm working from home today, so that obviously means the cart comes first. Soon as I'm finished I will post the results.


                      • #12
                        Good luck I made some options for ya
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                        Updated by Larry1950; January 10, 2014, 09:47 AM.


                        • #13
                          Push pedal turns the ignition over on 1st push and 2nd push.
                          And the LED for the push button did not come on.
                          After looking at the pictures, I didn't see that you had two greens going to the push button. I'm guessing that is for the LED.


                          • #14
                            Yes you will need to connect 2 green to make the LED work. When the push button is turned on it supply's 12v to the micro switch and the LED but you have to have a jumper between the lugs on the push button. I should have been more specific on the schematic, maybe this will be better. The first pix of the push button is if you want the LED on all the time, the second turns on LED when pushed.
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                            Updated by Larry1950; January 11, 2014, 08:01 AM.


                            • #15
                              Larry. So the flu knocked me out since friday. I'm going to use the second option as I don't need the LED light to stay on unless the cart is on. So on the wire that is going to the battery, should I put a 15A fuse on there?


                              • #16
                                Yes it needs to be fused
                                Updated by Larry1950; January 14, 2014, 04:44 PM.


                                • #17

                                  Here is the configuration that worked for me. When cart is not running, blue ring on switch is off. When cart is in forward or reverse, blue ring on switch is on.


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