I got this 81 ezgo with a 2 cycle gas engine. Engine is good but no spark. I replace the ignition coil and it works fine, drive it around a little and then park it in my shop. Next day no spark again. The coil seams to have burned out some time during the night. This is the second coil I put on it the first one didn't last much longer. Can any one give me any suggestions as to why it keeps burning its ignition coils?
Why dose my 81 ezgo 2 cycle keep burning the ignition coil?
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It sounds as though the voltage to the coil is not being turned off when you shut off the cart. Not being able to find the diagram for an 81, but an 84 they should be similar. Make sure the is no voltage to the coil when in the off position. The coil wire should run from the positive side of the solenoid, when stopped no voltage should be present.Only when the ignition key and the pedal is depressed. http://www.golfcartsforum.com/attach...zgo-wiring.jpg
The ignitor/cdi is much more prone to failure than the coil. Make sure the connectors from the pulse coil to ignitor and ignitor to coil to solenoid are tight and clean. Also check and clean battery connections plus battery ground to motor and starter/generator and coil. Problem being there a several components to the ignition system, any can cause the problem none are easy to test, but the coil is the least prone to failure. Deoxit is great stuff for cleaning connectors.Updated by Larry1950; January 4, 2014, 08:07 AM.
Make sure the blue wire from ignitor has a good connection to frame/battery(-).
Like larry1950 said check all connections and clean, the orange from coil has a push connector that will get corroded.
Check connections on Green wire from ignition coil, yellow/red from ignitor unit and key switch black wire connects to the solenoid terminal.
The only way i know of to test the ignitor is replace with a known good unit.
You can check the pulser coil cotinuity. Check between red and blue with DVOM: resistance 120-180 ohms.
Ignition coil continuity. Primary and secondary coils: Check between orange and green: resistance 2.88 - 4.32 ohms. Check between orange and plug wire: resistance
9.36 K- 14.04 K ohms.
The only way the coil can be burned out is if the voltage is not shut off to either the ignitor and or coil when the cart is turned off. Check for voltage at the solenoid going to green wire to coil and red/yellow to the ignitor with ignition turned off. If there is voltage (12v) either its wired wrong (most likely) or bad limit switch. You could unplug the orange wire and check voltages again.
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