Hello, new guy here. I have a 87 ezgo with the 2 cycle engine. When I press the gas pedal to start it, gas starts pouring out of the overflow on the carb and floods the motor. I noticed that at the head pipe there is gas leaking and where the header bolts to the muffler I can see gas leaking. Is it possible the exhaust it full of gas and that is what is causing the carb to overflow? It is a brand new carb. Could there be a problem with the fuel pump? Thanks for any help.
To much fuel.
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The needle and seat and or float inside the carb is stuck. Try tapping on the float bowl, this may loosen to float. If not the carb and float bowl will have to be removed to release the float or unstick the needle and seat. This not unusual as the carb sitting for some time empty causes the float and or needle and seat to be stuck open. Disconnect the fuel line and plug it. Drain the carb. Take out the spark plug and spin the motor, this should blow out excess fuel. To test the needle and seat remove the carb and blow in the fuel inlet, air should flow within the carb, turn to carb upside down and blow again, no air should flow. Hope this helpsUpdated by Larry1950; October 4, 2013, 07:20 AM.
Thank you for the reply. This is one of the reasons I bought a new carb, because the old one did the same thing. I wouldn't think the new carb would be the same way. Is it possible that the fuel pump can overpower the float and force it open not allowing it to close. I plan to take it apart tomorrow to see if I can find a reason why it is doing this. Also do you know if there is a drain bolt on the engine to drain any fuel that might have gotten in there. Thanks again
It is very unlikely the fuel pump can over power the needle seat. You probably didn't need a new carb. A proper cleaning would have been all it needed,see http://www.golfcartsforum.com/ezgo-g...ing-101-a.html
Yes it is very likely the same problem in both carbs. A new carb sits on shelf for some sime, the float is in the down position it sticks there. When fuel is pumped into the carb the float stays where it was at. As for the old carb, probably what happened is the is crude in the fuel, especially if it has sat with gas in it for more than a few weeks. It takes very small pieces of crude to to either block or hold open the needle and seat. Always install a new fuel filter. There is no "drain" bolt, just remove the spark plug and hit the starter for a few seconds this will blow out excess fuel. Do it outside with no heat or flame nearby.
Try the "blow" test on both carbs I am sure you will find the needle and seat stuck open on both.
I took the old carb apart and cleaned it and it was running but would backfire if I let off the gas and as soon as I would give it gas again it would backfire. The butterfly on the carb was worn and would rock back and forth so it needed a new carb anyway. But it was running, then we loaded it on a trailer, hauled to a friends house and unloaded then it started to dump gas, so I ordered the new carb and installed it and like I said its dumping fuel everywhere. I just took off the header and it was full of fuel, so I took out the spark plug and left the header off and turned it over for a few seconds to get rid of any extra fuel in the engine and I will try to take the carb apart and see if the float is sticking.
Backfires are usually from a lean condition/ air leak. A worn butterfly can do that. However with a 2 stroke that old I would look at the main seals and compression while your are at it. Compression needs to be over 100 psi at the least. The main seals are probably dried up and leaking as well. Fuel coming out of the overflow has to be the needle and seat or float. But I think you have other issues also.
I did the carb blow test and it seems to be working. Now I'm having another issue. I don't have any spark again. I had this problem earlier but was able to fix it by running new ground wires. Now I have no spark again and all grounds are good. It will spark as soon as I let of the gas pedal and that's the only time it will spark. Any ideas. Thanks.
Ok I got the no spark issue fixed. It was the igniter so I did the gm hei conversion and have great spark. It runs again but is still backfiring. I will have to find someone with a compression tester to test that next. Thanks for all your help Larry, I will keep you posted with what I find.
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