Robin Engines -good or bad


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  • Robin Engines -good or bad

    I am looking to buy my first Ezgo cart , 2006 model with 13hp Robin engine. I am not a mechanic by any means and have read unfavorable comments of Robin motors. Should I stay away from a cart with this motor?

  • #2
    Is it the EH35? 350cc twin cylinder. The motor itself is not a "bad" motor. Lack of maintenance is usually the problem. Many forget there is a gas engine under the seat that needs regular oil changes, air filter, valve adjustment, cam belt, oil filter maintenance. The cooling system is not the best being a twin. The questions I would ask is how often was the maintenance was done. If it has a new cam belt, valve adjustment. Do a compression test, see if oil is in the air filter.


    • #3
      Here are pictures of the engine. Like I mentioned when it comes to motors I am very limited.
      Attached Files:
      Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum
      Updated by dan2116; September 20, 2013, 03:21 PM.


      • #4
        do what larry said and ask questions and check the compression ( 135 psi and up is good). These engines in my experience are tough, even when people forget about them and they are not properly maintenanced.


        • #5
          Posted earlier by dan2116
          I am looking to buy my first Ezgo cart , 2006 model with 13hp Robin engine. I am not a mechanic by any means and have read unfavorable comments of Robin motors. Should I stay away from a cart with this motor?
          I would like to know what you have read and where you read it??


          • #6
            It was on this forum and a member said ( in another post ) that Robins where junk. I know maintenance is important with any engine and I would be on top of that. I was checking to see if the comment was widely shared. I am brand new to golf carts and trying to stay away from a bad decision. My usage is exclusively for sporting clay shooting.
            Updated by dan2116; September 20, 2013, 01:32 PM.


            • #7
              Sense no one talks this motor up then I am staying away from it. Really appreciate the help....................


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