timing marks on eh29c engine


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  • timing marks on eh29c engine

    I am curently reassembeling an engine someone else took apart eh29c serial number on cart is E1292 i'm guesing its a 1992.
    the manual i looked at said to allign the keyway on the ballancer shaft(drive pulley) with mark on crankcase.but the drive pulley also has a timming mark on it can anyone tell which to use for sure?

    thanks rod
    Updated by rodney001; August 3, 2013, 12:14 PM. Reason: i need help

  • #2
    A. Install the drive pulley (ITEM 3).
    1. If the key (ITEM 4) in the crankshaft does not align
    with the crankcase mark, rotate the fan hub until it
    is aligned.
    2. Align the key slot in the rear belt retainer (ITEM 5)
    with the key in the crankshaft and install it onto the
    3. Align the keyslot in the drive pulley (ITEM 3) with
    the key in the crankshaft and slide the pulley onto
    the shaft, flange side toward the engine.
    B. Install the cam pulley (ITEM 6).
    1. Align the notch on the rear of the cam pulley with
    the pin on the cam shaft and slide the pulley onto
    the shaft.
    2. Rotate the cam pulley until the smallest of the
    three holes on the face of the gear aligns with the
    notch at the top of the rear timing belt cover.
    3. Install the mounting bolt with lock washer (ITEM 7,
    M8x1.25x20L) and washer (ITEM 8, 8.5x28x2.3t).
    Do not tighten the bolt. (If the E-Z-GO CAM PULLEY
    TOOL is being used, position it on the drive
    and cam pulleys. See NOTE above.)
    C. Install the idler (ITEM 9).
    1. Insert the short extension of the idler spring (ITEM
    10) into the small hole on the rear face of the idler
    and position the spring on the raised surface of the
    face. (DETAIL A)
    2. Place the washer (ITEM 11, 8.5x16x1.2t) on the
    idler mounting bolt (ITEM 12, M8x1.25x30L), and
    insert the bolt through the idler. While holding the
    short spring extension in place, position the idler
    against the crankcase. Hand tighten the bolt into
    the crankcase. Rotate the spring into the spring
    D. Install a new timing belt (ITEM 13). (DETAIL A)
    1. If the E-Z-GO CAM PULLEY TOOL is not being
    used, check that the drive and cam pulleys are
    aligned with their marks.
    2. Position the belt on the drive pulley. Do not twist,
    crimp or turn the belt inside out.
    3. Rotate the idler counterclockwise until it the belt
    can be placed on the cam pulley. Place the belt on
    the cam pulley, then snug the bolt. (If the E-Z-GO
    CAM PULLEY TOOL is being used, remove it.)
    4. Install the drive pulley front belt guide (ITEM 14),
    washer (ITEM 15, 6.5x22x2t) and retaining bolt
    with lock washer (ITEM 16, M6x1.0x16L). Torque
    to specification.
    5. Loosen the idler bolt and allow the idler to tension
    the belt. Rotate the crankshaft two turns and
    tighten the bolt to specified torque.


    • #3
      added a picture of timing marks.
      Attached Files:
      Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum


      • #4
        thanks wthompson


        • #5
          I recently rebuilt a 1992 Robin 295 and had exactly this same question.
          You must use the key way on the drive gear as the mark as described in the manual. You need to disregard the gear tooth that is marked with the dot. This seems counter intuitive but is the correct way to insure proper timing of the cam shaft. You can also verify that the crankshaft key way on the flywheel side should be straight up when you use this mark. Hope this helps others who have had this question.


          • #6
            I have a 2018 Ezgo valor. I have noticed a noise in the front end. After looking closely I notice the front wheels have some play in them. Is this normal?


            • #7
              Thanks just what I needed


              • #8
                I have a 93 ezgo Marathon gas cart 295 Robin engine, am putting a timing belt on it the idler don't have a spring on it my idler has like a arm on it that like like it came off with the arm that go to where the spring end goes can anyone tell me what I have


                • #9
                  Posted earlier by James Denton
                  I have a 93 ezgo Marathon gas cart 295 Robin engine, am putting a timing belt on it the idler don't have a spring on it my idler has like a arm on it that like like it came off with the arm that go to where the spring end goes can anyone tell me what I have
                  Pics ??


                  • #10

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                    • #11
                      This is what's on mine


                      • #12
                        That is really odd, are there any numbers stamped in it? Usually there is a spring that sets the tension, the spring breaks all the time. Maybe it’s been replaced with something similar

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