EZGO cranks but does not start, Newbie GC owner


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  • EZGO cranks but does not start, Newbie GC owner

    I have a 1994 Medalist, gas, #823731. Its been sitting for 4 years before I got it. I have been unable to get it to either fire or start and need some direction on where to go next. Here is what I do know. Doesn't turn over when pedel is pushed, so I am cranking it via the solenoid while pushing down the pedal. I removed the plugs and verified spark. While cranking I put thumb over plug hole to see if I had any compression and it seems ok. I have tried a squirt of starting fluid into carb, but it did not fire. I have fresh gas in the tank. I even removed the plugs and squirted some starting fluid into each cal, replaced plugs and cranked it over, still no fire. So at the moment I am at a loss as to what is causing this not to run. Any thoughts??

  • #2
    When you push in the gas pedal does the solenoid click? There probably a micro switch that controls the solenoid and spark, if that switch is good then the solenoid is bad. If the carts has been sitting for 4 years the carb will have to come off and be cleaned, I am sure the carb is plugged.Fresh gas in the tank doesn't count til it goes through the fuel pump and into the carb with clean jets. Even so it should have fired on the starting fluid (bad Idea) and quit as soon as it ran out of fluid. Another thing to check, make sure mice didn't fill the muffler and air intake, a plugged muffler will not let it run either. Maybe the reason it was parked was ignition issues. Check for chewed or damaged wiring/connectors to the motor and ignition modules.
    Updated by Larry1950; August 1, 2012, 02:09 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks Larry1950, a bit has happened since that last post. Too much to go into here. But here is where I am at. After I read through the forums a bit, the lightbulb went off. I got my compression tester, ( yep, I did have one) and ran a test on each cylinder. 100psi in one and 20psi in the other. With that in mind, kinda thought it might be a valve/timing belt issue. So I pulled the rocker cover and all looks fine. Didn't check any settings, but it did appear that the timing belt was not broke. So at this point I am looking at removing the head and cylinder, then replacing both pistons. It all depends on what I find as I get more into it. I will be looking for a top end rebuild kit as soon as I get the head off and see what the damages are. I am thinking broken ring / hole in piston, as long as the valves appear ok. I am open to suggestions...


      • #4
        Larry1950, In response to your gracious reply, The solenoid didn't click or do anything until after I traced and found a broken wire on the key switch, made sense since I was jumping the solenoid to crank it over. I am getting good spark, plugs are at the correct gap. I didn't think about the muffler and the friendly mice, but will check that before I try again. Doesn't look like this has been apart before, so hopefully the pistons are STD and not oversized. I'll know more when I get the head off this weekend hopefully.


        • #5
          That low of compression is almost always a valve, before removing the head check the valve lash, should be .004" with the piston at TDC on compression stroke, then recheck the compression. If the timing belt is bad the valve timing could have slipped allowing the piston to hit the valve bending it. Yes the clutch will have to come off to get the timing belt cover off. Order a new belt and make sure the timing marks line up on the crank and cam when reassembling. http://www.golfcartsforum.com/golf-c...-diagrams.html
          Updated by Larry1950; August 11, 2012, 03:37 PM.


          • #6
            I almost had the same problem it would crack and crack but would never completely start up. I had compression and spark and fuel. I checked the gaps on the values and they were off. Once I adjust them and life was good. I would definitely check that first before doing the rebuild or pulling of the heads.


            • #7
              Thanks Larry 1950, Guess I should have read your post on Sat. morning instead of today. I have the engine apart and the only thing I can see is that one head bolt, the longest one in the center was in the wrong spot. It was in the a corner hole versus the center hole in the head. In the corner it bottoms out just before touching the head. My thought is it might have been allowing compression into the crankcase. But your recommendation to check the valves was probably what I should have done. Haven't found anything else. I am figuring on ordering at least new ring sets and gaskets and reassembling. Is there anything else I should double check or replace since I have it apart?


              • #8
                Where would be a good place to get the parts I need for an 94 EZGO EH29C


                • #9
                  www.Buggiesunlimited.com Fair prices and extra fast shipping. Sounds like someone had it apart before and didn't find the problem. Also get a new cam belt, they always look good but age and crack over time. Chances are it has never been replaced and should be about every 4 years. Another thing replace both intake gaskets, the one nearest the head tends to leak If you are ringing it check the cylinders for ridges, if you put new rings in cylinders that have ridges it can break the new rings. Cylinders may need to be bored.

                  Several years ago I sold a motorcycle to a guy, he called me a few days later and said it quit running. I told him I would come over and see what happened. By the time I got there he had removed the motor and had disassembled it. I told him I couldn't find out why it quit running with it all apart. I reassembled the motor and put it back in the frame. When I picked up the gas tank is was bone dry, when I asked him about the gas in the tank he told me he had put it on reserve a couple of days earlier, but hadn't filled it. We put gas in the tank and the bike ran great, kinda funny how that works.
                  Updated by Larry1950; August 15, 2012, 07:29 PM.


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