got carb ordered


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  • got carb ordered

    maddi i hope i got this P.O.S figured out. i'm hopein a new carb is gonna fix this annoying cart. 99.9 % shure i got everything else right. this isn't my first engine to work on. been a .s .e cirtified most of my life & am a kubota tractor mechanic for the last few years. checked the governer per the other posts ect. can you think of anything i might be overlooking?
    thanks , pistol

  • #2
    I wouldn't get an aftermarket carburetor if you can afford an OEM one, the Chinese ones are more of a headache than they are worth in savings. I hope you get the problems fixed though.


    • #3
      thanks guys for the input on this matter. i will pass the carb info on to my customer. he's been callin every other day. at least it'll run properly for a bit while he saves for the oem carb. he brought it to me said it ran good just smoked alot. dont see how with the intake valves sucked in the head & rocker paws washboarded. again thanks for the input. i'm real good on yamaha & clubcars. worked for those dealers in the past. if i can help you or anyone else feel free to get in touch. 601-317-0998, "pistol"


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