81 ezgo trouble gettn flywheel off


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  • 81 ezgo trouble gettn flywheel off

    Well as all things happen just decided to pull the engine in my 81 that I now think is an 86, at least the motor is (86-10417) Model EC25-2pg. Found the starter bracket cracked, needs welded. Pulled the head and found the piston changed out .050 with a good deal of cross hatching in the jug. I'm thinking it was swapped out not long ago. However lots of slop in the connecting rod/crank area. Actually wobbles back and forth, surprised it ran. Started taking the motor down but can't get the flywheel or drive clutch off. The clutch comes to the end of the shaft and stops, not sure why yet. On the opposite side I'm using a gear puller but the flywheel won't budge. Soaking it over night with penetrating oil and will try again in the morning. Any tips for this newbee would be appreciated. I got a feeling I'm looking at a engine rebuild kit, or at least gettin the crank turned and buying oversized bearings.

  • #2
    Well just did some checking an don't think there are bearings in those connecting rods, somebody correct me if i'm wrong. Any Ideas where I can get just get the rod, not the entire assembly? LVS has them for about 250.00.


    • #3
      In the 4cycle robins there is no bearings, I did not strip down a 2cycle to check but I assume they are similar. It can easily be checked when ordering your parts, chances are they will have those bearings available as well.

      Yes the connecting rods are expensive, Buggies Unlimited is also a reputable dealer, however they sell aftermarket parts that might not be up to par with OEM parts from your EZGO dealer.


      • #4
        Disregard , got it off after 4 hours of penetrating oil soaking and 15 minutes of my impact wrench.


        • #5
          Posted earlier by rkgsmith
          Disregard , got it off after 4 hours of penetrating oil soaking and 15 minutes of my impact wrench.


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