01 EZ-GO Gas, Starter keeps turning over when I lift off the gas pedal.


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  • 01 EZ-GO Gas, Starter keeps turning over when I lift off the gas pedal.


    I have an issue I have never dealt with before. I took an 01 gas cart apart and pressure washed everything. I put it back together and took it for it's first ride. Got about a block down the road and the thing is fast so I assume someone has at least adjusted the governor. When I let off the gas pedal and came to a stop I heard the starter still turning over. Pressed the gas pedal and it started and I drove it back to the shop. When I got there it was still turning over. I grabbed a wrench to take off a battery cable but before I did it stopped turning over. I started it again and stopped and again it kept turning over. I assume it's an adjustment or something gummed up causing it to continue turning over.

    Any insight on what to try would be appreciated. Thanx guys!

  • #2
    Try tapping on the solenoid, if that does not fix it, you might have a micro-switch stuck in the on position.


    • #3
      What it turned out to be was that the LED headlights were wired to the key switch. Looks like they tried to use that as the ground source. When the headlights were turned on, they would go out when the accelerator was pressed. Then when you lifted off the accelerator, the headlights would come back on and the starter would keep turning over. If you kept the headlights turned off the cart functioned fine.
      We ran a ground wire back to the battery and everything works perfect now.



      • #4
        Thanks for the update, glad you found the problem!


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