Engine replacement.


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  • Engine replacement.

    I have A 2000 Cushman Commander 2200SE with a 350, which I am told came off the the same line as the EZGO 1200's. The engine just seized up, "no one checked the oil". Could someone please walk me through how to take the old engine out and replace the new one. I am picking up the new one tomorrow. Does anyone have any tricks or hints to make the job easier? Do I need to get anything other than the engine when doing a replacement? Maybe manifold gasket, carb gasket?

  • #2
    Hello Prairies.

    Firstly, get a box of sandwich baggies and a sharpie. Every group of bolts you remove place in its own bags and label them "exhaust manifold, intake manifold, main engine mount bolts, etc." This will help you flow through putting the new engine back in.

    Next, drain the oil, remove the exhaust, intake, carburetor, lay the starter hanging, unplug the harnesses and label each wire with tape and a magic marker and write on each wire where they go.

    The engine will lift out when everything is removed, but have a helper and a car jack under the sub frame to help you put the new motor back in since you will need someone to hold the motor and move it a few inches here and there.

    Replace all gaskets on the exhaust, use new engine oil with a new filter, and examine your engine first to check if anything else is broken before making your parts order. You will always run into certain things, like maybe you will snap a bolt or something, but keeping everything in baggies will help you not loose any parts so you dont have to make any unexpected runs to the golf cart dealer.

    Hope this walk through helps!


    • #3
      Thanx alot, Matti.


      • #4


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