I have a 97 gas txt which has been setting for 2 years. Basically all I have done is keep the battery in good shape. Took it out this spring but it would hardly run unless the choke was pulled out all the way. I installed a new carb, drained gas tank, put on new hoses plus tinkered with the carb a little. The result: runs very good at med to high speed, bucks like a bull at slow speed. Don't know where to start. Don't want to jump on the wrong thing and make matters worse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Engine rough at slow speed
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So what you're saying is you think the problem is with the carb. Is this correct? Will I be better off cleaning and repairing the old one? Do they even make rebuild kits for it? Would I be getting jets like what is on the old one or getting ones like I got with the new one? Your patience is appreciated. I don't know much and I know I don't know much.
Posted earlier by chaze10So what you're saying is you think the problem is with the carb. Is this correct? Will I be better off cleaning and repairing the old one? Do they even make rebuild kits for it? Would I be getting jets like what is on the old one or getting ones like I got with the new one? Your patience is appreciated. I don't know much and I know I don't know much.Regards
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