Engine rough at slow speed


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  • Engine rough at slow speed

    I have a 97 gas txt which has been setting for 2 years. Basically all I have done is keep the battery in good shape. Took it out this spring but it would hardly run unless the choke was pulled out all the way. I installed a new carb, drained gas tank, put on new hoses plus tinkered with the carb a little. The result: runs very good at med to high speed, bucks like a bull at slow speed. Don't know where to start. Don't want to jump on the wrong thing and make matters worse. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Hello chaze10. If you purchased an aftermarket carburetor, they are usually very poorly made and give you a limited adjustment room on the fuel/air mixture setting.


    • #3
      So what you're saying is you think the problem is with the carb. Is this correct? Will I be better off cleaning and repairing the old one? Do they even make rebuild kits for it? Would I be getting jets like what is on the old one or getting ones like I got with the new one? Your patience is appreciated. I don't know much and I know I don't know much.


      • #4
        Posted earlier by chaze10
        So what you're saying is you think the problem is with the carb. Is this correct? Will I be better off cleaning and repairing the old one? Do they even make rebuild kits for it? Would I be getting jets like what is on the old one or getting ones like I got with the new one? Your patience is appreciated. I don't know much and I know I don't know much.
        Yes. and yes try cleaning it. I assume you didnt purchase your carburetor at an EZGo dealer since they are nearly $400 OEM new. If cleaning it doesn't solve your problem, you might want to look on ebay for a OEM original used carburetor for your golf cart if you dont want to spend the price of a new one. I say this because I had the same exact problem, I did everything possible until I broke down and purchased a brand new carburetor (it had a crappy aftermarket carb on there) and fuel pump from the dealer. I cant say that will work for everyone, but it sure worked for me.


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