2000 ez go gas..new to me


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  • 2000 ez go gas..new to me

    picked up a 2000 ez go gas owered cart

    the engine turns over, but it doesnt start.

    sometimes while turning it over i hear a clicking sound coming from down there

    is there a place i can down load a service manual?

    I picked it up very very cheap,

    i also picked up a yamaha that runs good but looks like crap, was thinking maybe do an engine swap?

    the ezgo looks alot nicer, i picked them up from the same guy... apackage deal that was too good to pass up.

    any help would be cool, as i never worked on these before.

    once i get the engine situation solved, i got some freaky plans to customize this in my machine shop, and have a good buddy that is crazy wild with an airbrush.

  • #2
    oh snap...so new i posted in wrong forum, a=if a moderator can move this to the proper place that would be helpful.
    sorry and thanks


    • #3
      Here is a similar service manual for your golf cart http://www.golfcartsforum.com/golf-c....html#post3839

      The Yamaha engine will not work. Golf cart companies try their hardest to make their products as different from their competitors as possible. Any thing is possible, but it will require heavy modification to get that engine to fit, but you must first see if the engine turns in the correct direction as your rear.


      • #4
        Posted earlier by mooner
        oh snap...so new i posted in wrong forum, a=if a moderator can move this to the proper place that would be helpful.
        sorry and thanks


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