what year and model my cart is


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  • what year and model my cart is

    i just got a 3 wheel ez go golf cart givin to me and i was wondering the year and model. the serial number is 760322 t07384. thank you

  • #2
    Welcome to the group.
    It's a 1976 model.
    It should look something like this:

    Can you post up some pictures of it?
    Is yours gas or electric?
    What else would you like to know?


    • #3
      Welcome to the forums Swerve


      • #4
        sorry its been awhile since ive been able to get back to you. Yes thats exactly what it looks except that is 100% better lol. It is gas 2stroke. before i paint it i need to make sure i can get it running. the guy who gave it to me said the microswitch was bad and it was removed. but i need a wiring diagram or if someone had a 76 model that they could get a picture of wiring to the microswitch and the keyswitch that would b awesome lol. thanks dougmcp.

        and thanks matti
        Attached Files:
        Free Download, courtesy of Golf Carts Forum


        • #5
          he got the color and everything, you're good doug


          • #6
            Posted earlier by SWERVE
            It is gas 2stroke. before i paint it i need to make sure i can get it running. the guy who gave it to me said the microswitch was bad and it was removed. but i need a wiring diagram or if someone had a 76 model that they could get a picture of wiring to the microswitch and the keyswitch that would b awesome i
            I think this is the wiring diagram you're looking for:
            Sorry about the size, I'm traveling and running from an old laptop....maybe Matti can change it to an attachment.

            Updated by dougmcp; June 29, 2011, 09:58 AM.


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