96 Ezgo Robin Engine


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  • 96 Ezgo Robin Engine

    I have a ez go golf cart with a robin engine. It turns over but won't start.It seems like it dont have any compression. Can anyone help

  • #2
    96 Ezgo Robin Engine

    I have a 96 ezgo cart with a robin engine.It turns over like it don't have any compression.It has good spark but will not start.Is it a ring problem or a valve problem.The plugs don't appear to have oil on them so i don't know what the problem is.Can anyone help.


    • #3
      If it's spinning like there is no compression, you could have anything from a stuck valve to a broken rod or a hole in a piston.
      Do a compression test and you will know if you have a problem.
      Updated by dougmcp; May 5, 2011, 10:19 AM.


      • #4
        How much compression should it have.I did a test on it and it only had about 20lbs


        • #5
          Around 140 and 20 is like 0. Sorry to say it sounds like it's teardown time.


          • #6
            Posted earlier by barden.brian@yahoo.com
            I have a ez go golf cart with a robin engine. It turns over but won't start.It seems like it dont have any compression. Can anyone help
            Your engine will need 3 things to start.
            1. compression
            2. spark
            3. fuel
            If it does not have any of the above it will not run. So do the following.
            1. use a compression tester and check the amount of compression in each cylinder. Should have around 120-150psi.
            2. check for spark by removing the spark plug, keeping it plugged in and holding the end to a ground and turn the engine over you should see a blue spark
            3. if it has all of the above, spray some starting fluid down the carburetor and see if it runs, if it does then you have a fuel problem.


            • #7
              At 20, it will not start. I had a 50 once and it could not even give the pump enough pulse. At 125 it should fire. But both cylinders should have that psi with 10% difference between the two.


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