96 EZ-GO gas


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  • 96 EZ-GO gas

    I have problems with my cart cranking when it is cold. I have to take the breather off to get it to start. Once it starts, it runs good but I find gas being blown out of the front of the carb at low to medium idle but not when the engine is revved up. I have been told it is probably either a burnt or dirty intake valve. Is there a quick fix to this?

  • #2
    Welcome to the forums! If it is not a carburetor problem (dirty, bad gas, wrong air/fuel adjustment)... no, there is not a quick fix to this. I'm sorry. Usually with these motors what you need to do every 10 years or so after constant use is to rebuild it. That means tearing it down and replacing the piston rings, valve seals, main seal, valve guides if you want, and if you get the kit it will give you new valves with it. Just seat them to your current head. You can try adjusting your valves now, but it will probably blow out the valve seals and make your cart run even worse.


    • #3
      Not really what I wanted to hear but, thank you!


      • #4
        yep, been there done that


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