I believe the timing is off on my cousin's EZGO. It does not run, if i pull a plug, push the gas, then replace the plug it will run for a few seconds. How do i check for the timing settings. I have spark. I have compression. I want to check the timing, then check the fuel supply.
EzGo Timing setting
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Posted earlier by apalachcartThe plugs are dry and clean. I'm at a stall on figuring this out.Regards
Thanks for the tip. I checked the pump it worked fine. I messed with the plugs a bit, and it started running. I had drove it for about 5 minutes. let it sit, about 10 minutes. It started right back up. Let it sit for a few hours and it would not run. I believe you are right about the carbeurator being the issue. Do you have any suggestions for adjusting it or should i just get a new one.
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