EzGo Timing setting


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  • EzGo Timing setting

    I believe the timing is off on my cousin's EZGO. It does not run, if i pull a plug, push the gas, then replace the plug it will run for a few seconds. How do i check for the timing settings. I have spark. I have compression. I want to check the timing, then check the fuel supply.

  • #2
    You would have to check the lash between your flywheel and coil. Maybe the coil went bad. Are the plugs wet when you pull them out?


    • #3
      The plugs are dry and clean. I'm at a stall on figuring this out.


      • #4
        Posted earlier by apalachcart
        The plugs are dry and clean. I'm at a stall on figuring this out.
        Plugs should be wet with fuel. The first thing you want to do is test the fuel pump. Make sure you have gas, then pull the main gas line to the carburetor from the gas tank and press the go pedal. Fuel should be squirting out. If that all checks out, then the issue is with your carburetor.


        • #5
          Thanks for the tip. I checked the pump it worked fine. I messed with the plugs a bit, and it started running. I had drove it for about 5 minutes. let it sit, about 10 minutes. It started right back up. Let it sit for a few hours and it would not run. I believe you are right about the carbeurator being the issue. Do you have any suggestions for adjusting it or should i just get a new one.


          • #6
            Well, you can take it apart and clean it. Or take it off and bring it to a lawnmower shop or any golf cart dealer service center and they could clean it for you as well.


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