2000 ez go series cart ?


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  • 2000 ez go series cart ?

    What are my options for more speed/torque ?

    Cart is a 2000 EZ GO 36 volt ,series wound motor

    Also , I am on a tight budget so , Free or cheaper is better .

    Any Ideas ?

  • #2
    "on a budget" does not match with more speed/torque options.

    On a series motor in order to increase speed you need to increase voltage and for that you need: new speed controller, new 48v solenoid, 2 more 6v batteries matching your actual ones capacity, a 48v charger or a separate 12v charger capable of charging deep cycle batteries, 4awg wiring everywhere, upgrade F/R direction switch buss bars.

    You can gain torque by just fitting a higher performance speed controller but you will not gain speed.

    You can start with speed controller and solenoid, then do voltage upgrade.


    • #3
      Wow , that sounds like alot of work , and alot of $$$$$$...............aint there a speed chip or something similar I can do ?


      • #4
        you gotta pay to play pal... sorry...
        On that cart there's no much you can do. You can do what is called the Nateboost, you can find info on other forums about this but still, at least you need some 200+ about, a lot of electrical skills, and time.
        Nothing comes for free in this world, even with golf cars.
        Good luck!


        • #5
          Posted earlier by no-g@s
          you gotta pay to play pal.
          With electric carts... his unfortunately right. On newer golf carts, some have programmable controllers. Again you must pay to have the dealer code in a speed upgrade, but it is a cheap upgrade.


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