Running out of old parts


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  • Running out of old parts

    I have a EZGO TXTE-48V golf cart. It will suddenly stop if I give it 20 to 30 seconds I can go again This is sporadic some days not at all other days every 45 seconds to 1 minute of driving. I have a sprayer when it is hooked up it is worse. I have replaced the charger receptacle ( old one was burnt), battery cables, 48 volt solenoid ( when I was replacing the cables I found the solenoid in many pieces), sent it to shop for new batteries, replaced the Inductive Throttle sensor, starter ignition key switch, forward reverse switch, accelerator pedal micro switch, sent to shop again they replaced a connector to the ITS. I actually just got it back. Just looking for ideas. I am ordering another ignition switch. Thank You.
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