I am working on a 2003 EZGO TZT. It will not move. The battery 36 V battery pack is good. I need help interpreting results of solenoid testing. When I put multimeter leads on the two small terminals there is no voltage. When I turn the key on, put the cart in forward, and press the accelerator there is pack voltage and the cart moves. Does this mean that the solenoid is bad? Thanks.
EZGO Solenoid Testing
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Considering the solenoid wasn't receiving voltage when tested directly, it indicates a potential issue in the solenoid circuitry or activation. Most diagnostic steps focus on checking the input sources and control signals that activate the solenoid. If there's no voltage detected at the solenoid's small terminals during these specific scenarios, there might be an issue upstream with the circuitry or the components involved in supplying the solenoid with power. Wiggling wires and looking for corroded connections could help.
Reed Switch Output: Check the voltage on the small wire coming out of the back of the charge receptacle. This is the output of the reed switch, a potential culprit for failures.
J1 Pins 4 & 5: Verify the voltage on these pins. Pin-5 should have constant B+ while Pin-4 should also have B+ at all times except when the charger is plugged into the cart.
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