12 volt conversion. Question about battery hook up


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  • 12 volt conversion. Question about battery hook up

    I am restoring my ez go TXT PDO. I will not be driving long distance at all and not that often so I went with 3 walmart 12 volt marine batteries instead of the more expensive normal golf cart batteries. The wiring was simple but to be sure, I took photos. I should have looked closely and took notes. The photos do not help much.

    I have three connections on the right hand side going to the positive- two black and one white or yellow cannot remember. On the left hand side I have two wires that went to a battery on the forward right side batteries and I am assuming the went to a negative post. I don't think the batteries are all lined up in a similar manner.

    Would it be ok to hook the three positive wires to the right hand battery positive and the two wires on left to the far negative post.

    Your help is appreciated.


  • #2
    Turns out I had three positive wires and three negatives. Two of the negatives fell out of view. I understand now.


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