Troubleshooting help


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  • Troubleshooting help

    Greetings All -

    The kids had our golf cart out for a ride and it stopped running. We got it home and I started checking things and I am wondering if it isn’t the controller so I thought I would share what I checked and hopefully get some suggestions on other things to check.

    The cart information:
    Year: 2004
    Make: EZGO
    Body Style: GC
    Ezgo Textron Xi 875E

    I plugged it in so that it was fully charged. Then I checked the batteries and they are charged. I also checked the wires and the fuses.

    When I turn the key on and put it in forward and step on the pedal the solenoid clicks. Same for reverse.

    At this point I was really hoping it was the solenoid and not the controller. I checked for continuity between the large terminals of the solenoid without the cart on and the pedal not pushed and there was not. I turned it to the on position and pressed the pedal and there was continuity between the large terminals.

    Then I disconnected the wires from the large terminals and checked for ohms with the cart turned on and the pedal pushed and it was 0.2 ohms. From what I read that seems to be in line with a good reading.

    That’s where I am at. Suggestions?

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