- 2017 EZGO 48v electric....went a couple months without use but on charger. At first no movement or clicking of solenoid forward or reverse but finally started working. Now it is working most of the time but occasionally will re-occur. Does this sound like some corrosion on contacts? Good voltage on batteries. Ideas appreciated!
Intermittent Solenoid?
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Intermittent Solenoid?
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I have a similar problem with my 2016 EZGO TXT 48v. I replaced the run/tow switch after checking it for continuity. Now it works sporadically, but will occasionally shut off when attempting to go forward or reverse. At this point, if I turn the key switch off/on it will not go forward or reverse and the solenoid doesn't click. If I then flip the tow switch off and back on, it will work, sometimes for days, and then I experience the same problem again. The cart has new batteries and I also replaced the solenoid and pedal micro switch. I'm wondering if the new solenoid is defective.
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