faster in reverse than in forward


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  • faster in reverse than in forward

    My 1984 EZGO goes about 50% faster in reverse than in forward. Can I make it go faster in forward by simply switching some wires?

  • #2
    Being a 1984 it is probably a resistor cart. Electrically the only thing I can think of it going faster in reverse than forward is the F/R switch being bad. It could be done. The motor has to spin in the same direction to go forward regardless of polarity of wiring.
    So I would find out why its faster in reverse, could be anything from bad bearings, dragging brakes, worn brushes. Does it roll easier pushing it backward than forward? If so I would look at the brakes dragging, probably from bad brake cables or worn brake shoes.
    Updated by Larry1950; April 10, 2013, 07:00 PM.


    • #3
      Posted earlier by mikekane
      My 1984 EZGO goes about 50% faster in reverse than in forward. Can I make it go faster in forward by simply switching some wires?
      I really don't know a lot about ezgo but on club car reverse is wired to only half the battery pack. so yes it does sound like something is wired incorrectly at the F /R switch.


      • #4
        also you might just swap the motor a terminals or f terminals or motor terminals at the F/R switch.


        • #5
          This is a 1984 EZGO (I have one) wiring diagram for resistor cart, looks like S1 and A2 control the F/R. You could swap S1, A2 at either the F/R switch or the motor. There is no voltage reduction I can see for reverse. Hope this helps
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          Updated by Larry1950; April 10, 2013, 07:09 PM.


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