I suspect my controller is shot and need some confirmation before I spend the $$$.
My cart info:
1999 EZGO TXT Standard, 36V (NON-DCS)
Manf code: J599
Serial # 1214639
It has a controller with a 6 pin connector(4 wires are used).
No run/tow switch
Reference voltage is 37.7
Solenoid clicks when pedal pressed.
No reference voltage between controller B+ and M-(key on, FNR on F, pedal fully pressed)
No referance voltage between battery pack B- and controller pin 4(red) (key on, FNR on F, pedal fully pressed)
Ref voltage present between Battery B- and pedal box 4 pin connector harness (red wire) (key on, FNR on F, pedal fully pressed)
Confirmed continuity thru all pins on the pedal box connector harness. Disassembled and verified pin integrity on controller connector.
Got 13.9V between controller B- and pin 2. (key on, FNR on F, pedal pressed just until solenoid clicks). Service manual says range should be between 9.0 and 11.5 volts.
ITS measures about .5V when solenoid clicks, and goes up to about 1.6V when pedal is fully pressed. Pedal box microswitch is okay.
IF the controller needs replacement, any ideas on where to buy one from? shopEZGO.com gets $459 for theirs.
My cart info:
1999 EZGO TXT Standard, 36V (NON-DCS)
Manf code: J599
Serial # 1214639
It has a controller with a 6 pin connector(4 wires are used).
No run/tow switch
Reference voltage is 37.7
Solenoid clicks when pedal pressed.
No reference voltage between controller B+ and M-(key on, FNR on F, pedal fully pressed)
No referance voltage between battery pack B- and controller pin 4(red) (key on, FNR on F, pedal fully pressed)
Ref voltage present between Battery B- and pedal box 4 pin connector harness (red wire) (key on, FNR on F, pedal fully pressed)
Confirmed continuity thru all pins on the pedal box connector harness. Disassembled and verified pin integrity on controller connector.
Got 13.9V between controller B- and pin 2. (key on, FNR on F, pedal pressed just until solenoid clicks). Service manual says range should be between 9.0 and 11.5 volts.
ITS measures about .5V when solenoid clicks, and goes up to about 1.6V when pedal is fully pressed. Pedal box microswitch is okay.
IF the controller needs replacement, any ideas on where to buy one from? shopEZGO.com gets $459 for theirs.