No-go ezgo


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  • No-go ezgo

    I have a 2005 TXT PDS, 400 AMP Alltax controller programmed to run with stock motor. For awhile it would run and quit for no reason. Now it will not run at all. Batteries and cables are new; swapped out new solenoid and new controller and worked for a mile then quit; swapped out new motor--no help. Last time it was running a ran over a 3" tree branch and it promptly died. I am only getting 20 Volts at the motor whether or not the pedal is pressed. I am at the hair pulling stage. Any ideas anyone?

  • #2
    Look at the speed senor on drivers side of motor. Is it still hooked up and fuctional. If so take it out and look at the magnet on the motor shaft. Make sure it hasn't come unglued. This will cause it to not run.


    • #3
      Thanks Andy. I will pull that wheel and see what I can find out.


      • #4
        I believe the speed sensor is not the issue since it is not used with the Alltrax controller. Correct, or does that magnet still come into play?

        New information: I have 36+ volts at the battery pack; 36+ volts at the motor; NO voltage at the reverse wire on the controller and SPORADIC, UNSTEADY voltage at the forward wire on the controller; I have continuity in both of those wires; I also have continuity in all of the wires in the wiring harness that connects the solenoid and controller to the key switch and the F/R switch; I am completely stumped; could it be the motor?


        • #5
          Correct the Altrax doesn't use the magnet, my bad had to read the post again.

          PDS model carts don't run well on low voltage. 36 volts is a dead set of batteries. Fully charge they should read around 38.22.

          Pds carts also don't like to be stall out.

          I would also check under the cart and see if u may have pulled the ITS wires loose.

          Take the floor board on drivers side up and you will see a black lid with 4 screws. Take it apart and check the micro switch.


          • #6
            What do you mean: don't like to be stall out

            Alos, what are ITS wires?


            • #7
              Stalled out:
              Cart's gas pedal pushed down and cart doesn't move. Heavy loads on the cart such as heavy equipment being hauled driving in the sand are loose dirt where the cart is always putting a heavy amp load on the motor.

              is the throttle senor under the drivers floor board. If you are under the cart they will be the grey wires running under it to the throttle box.
              The reason I mention this is u said you went over a 3" tree branch and it quit running it may have pulled one of the wires loose.

              This is what it looks like under the rubber mat once u open the box.

              The micro switch is removed in the picture with a jumper to see if it would run. The micro switch was bad.


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