EZGO Switch wiring question


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  • EZGO Switch wiring question

    Hello all,
    I have a question about wiring in a new key switch on a 1999 36V EZGO Series cart. Recently the cart was hit by copper thieves and they stripped it of most of its wiring. I am trying to wire up a new key switch, and I am not sure where to begin. I have attached a pic of the area in question. Currently there is a pull switch wired in in stead of a key switch, and I don't think it can handle the juice.....Is the switch in the pic wired correctly? Red wire from + on battery, and black from small post on solenoid? Is this correct for key switch? Thanks for any help!!!!!!! I highlighted the wires in yellow for clarity
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  • #2
    There is very little demand on the ignition switch (less than 15amps for sure).
    Here is the wiring for the ignition switch on an Ezgo, your cart will be the bottom right.
    The wiring diagram for your cart is here: Ezgo TXT Series Wiring

    Updated by dougmcp; February 10, 2012, 03:20 PM.


    • #3
      Sorry but I don't know what anything is in any of those diagrams what is the "state of charge meter" that it shows in the above diagram? Is that the solenoid? I am so confused by all this.....


      • #4
        Ignore the SOC meter in the diagram, it just shows that there are 2 wires coming from the ignition switch, 1 green and 1 blue.
        If you look at the wiring diagram that I posted the link to above you will see that the blue wire on the ignition switch goes to the microswitch on the F/R switch assembly and the green wire goes to the microswitch on the throttle control under the floor. That green wire after it's been to the microswitch changes to red and ends up on the solenoid where you have the yellow wire now.
        You have effectively bypassed the throttle microswitch allowing the solenoid to be on as soon as you turn on the power.
        Hope this makes a little sense, if not, don't be afraid to ask questions.


        • #5
          Yea Doug, as soon as the switch is pulled the solenoid clicks. all was well for a few months and then as soon as the switch was pulled the cart started moving very slowly without pushing peddle. I have ordered a new solenoid, and wanted to clean up the area, and wire in a new two bladed key switch, but I want to do it as "CORRECTLY" as possible. All the diagrams posted on the forum might as well be in Greek to me, so I really appreciate all the help!
          Any wire longer than about 12" was ripped off of the cart by a couple of Meth Heads last summer and it has really been a pain to try to get this cart right again. Thanks for the information!


          • #6
            Hey edward can you post more of those pictures? I had a meltdown at the reverse switch and that is the exact cart that i need. I can send you a picture of mine if that would help with your swicth


            • #7
              I will try to get a few more made today, but this cart was hit by meth-head copper thieves and most of the wiring was ripped out. I am not sure how much of it is correct. I am trying to piece it back togather after a local "mechanic" re-wired it. BTW, the thieves only got $55.00 for all the batteries and wire..........


              • #8
                Thanks and good luck to you.


                • #9
                  If you need help with the wiring or explanations of how to read the diagrams, we're here to help.


                  • #10
                    Posted earlier by edwardteach
                    Hello all,
                    I have a question about wiring in a new key switch on a 1999 36V EZGO Series cart. Recently the cart was hit by copper thieves and they stripped it of most of its wiring. I am trying to wire up a new key switch, and I am not sure where to begin. I have attached a pic of the area in question. Currently there is a pull switch wired in in stead of a key switch, and I don't think it can handle the juice.....Is the switch in the pic wired correctly? Red wire from + on battery, and black from small post on solenoid? Is this correct for key switch? Thanks for any help!!!!!!! I highlighted the wires in yellow for clarity
                    watch my video on you tube here. My channels name is Golf Cart Whisperer. Click the video below

                    Updated by Michael Eddie; last week.


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