So I just bought 6 new batteries for my txt pds. I let someone else wire it up because I was busy with something else at the time. After they were all hooked up and all lugs were on the terminals, I turned the key to the on position and some of the terminals started sparking. After looking at it I realized the leads for the controller had been reversed, so we attached them correctly and now I'm getting nothing, and there was no diode or fuse inline to prevent any reverse polarity damage, if that is even possible, which I'm assuming it is. I'm getting proper voltage, 36V, but I get no movement, no chime in reverse, no sound of the solenoid pulling in, nothing. The controller has a diagnostic on it as well that beeps to let you know what's wrong, but that won't work either. Have we fried the controller? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, my boss has been riding my ass about it all week. Thanks guys
New batteries + reverse polarity to controller = bad controller now?
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Given the sparking incident and the subsequent lack of response from your cart, I'm certain that the controller has indeed suffered damage. However, it's also worth considering the possibility that other components such as the micro switches and reed switch may have been affected too. Once you replace the controller, if still no go, troubleshooting with a meter will be key to pinpointing. Hang in there, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need further assistance.
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