97 clubcar is very hard to start up!!


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  • 97 clubcar is very hard to start up!!

    at first it runs good, but then after a little while it will start to miss and stutter out. It seems as if it is not getting enough fuel??

    it will start back up if i press the choke. but only will run when the choke is out. PLEASE HELP!

  • #2
    Posted earlier by ClubcarNemesis
    at first it runs good, but then after a little while it will start to miss and stutter out. It seems as if it is not getting enough fuel??

    it will start back up if i press the choke. but only will run when the choke is out. PLEASE HELP!
    I went through the same thing, check the compression and get back to us.


    • #3
      Time for a tune up? Many things can cause this... old gas, carburetor cloggage, old sparkplugs. I have a feeling though that your main jet is clogeged in your carb.

      edit: you also might want to check the airfilter


      • #4
        Start with the basics and work your way up. Gas, Spark, Comression, Air.


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