I need a new starter solenoid, and was wondering if I could purchase one from an auto parts store or if I had to get it from a club car parts dealer. If so what type of solenoid do I need?
Starter solenoid
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It sounds to me like you are not sure if that is your problem Here is a easy way to test the solenoid. First of all, starting with a fully charged battery, what does the cart do? Does it just click, does it do nothing? Either or, try jumping the solenoid across the 2 large posts, if the cart moves then your solenoid is bad. If it does not, we know to look further (then give me a full explanation of what went wrong)Regards
The cart came from Galveston tx after the last hurricane, and it had been completely under water. Most of the electrical wires on the solenoid and starter were corroded, but I fixed the wires and installed a new starter. The solenoid terminals had corroded and fallen off. Checked the rest of the wires and tested micro switches using wiring diagram. Installed solenoid off of a ford but found out it doesn't work like the club car one does according to diagram. But when I jump the big terminals engine and starter turn over. I don't think the solenoid I have installed works off of ground signal.
I purchased a common Ford starter solenoid to replace the one in my 97 carry-all II. Didn't fix what appeared to be a bad solenoid. My 93 service manual stats that a good solenoid measures 14-16 ohms between the small terminals (outboarded of course). The Ford solenoid has infinite resistance. Also, the base on the original solenoid wasn't grounded. The Ford solenoid base has to be grounded to operate. Any ideas on the difference? Thanks.
Posted earlier by Shocker1Matti,
I purchased a common Ford starter solenoid to replace the one in my 97 carry-all II. Didn't fix what appeared to be a bad solenoid. My 93 service manual stats that a good solenoid measures 14-16 ohms between the small terminals (outboarded of course). The Ford solenoid has infinite resistance. Also, the base on the original solenoid wasn't grounded. The Ford solenoid base has to be grounded to operate. Any ideas on the difference? Thanks.Regards
Jumpimg the solenoid did work. Purchasing the automotive solenoid is where I went wrong. When the new solenoid didn't fix the issue, I thought I had additional problems. This cart has been modified to key start with a DPDT relay between the ignition and the solenoid. I don't have a diagram for this mod. I guess I need to wire-for-wire create a diagram so it will make some sense. I did have a minor wire melt down leading to the relay. This cart really don't like this Ford solenoid. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
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