2022 Club Car onward shuts down


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  • 2022 Club Car onward shuts down

    I have a 2022 Onward 2 passenger that broke down. Ran fine then started acting like it was running out of gas. You can shut it off for a minute or 2 and it will run for 5-30 seconds and starts doing it again. I’ve checked easy things like spark plug, air filter, tank vent and o2 sensor. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Kohler or Subaru? Do you hear the fuel pump? Is the spark plug wet?

    If it shuts down again, remove the spark plug and put a few drops of gasoline directly into the spark plug hole. Then, replace the spark plug and try starting the engine again


    • #3
      Posted earlier by cybercart
      Kohler or Subaru? Do you hear the fuel pump? Is the spark plug wet?

      If it shuts down again, remove the spark plug and put a few drops of gasoline directly into the spark plug hole. Then, replace the spark plug and try starting the engine again
      Thanks for your reply. It's a Kohler ECH 440. By the time I removed the spark plug it would have run again anyway. I have never heard the pump run, even when it was new, 172 hoors ago. Maintenance switch has never worked which complicates testing and diagnoses. Still under warranty but I am trying to avoid the $350 fee to ship it to the closest Club Car dealer.


      • #4
        This would be what the dealer will inspect (see attached chart).

        Since it’s covered under warranty, best you could do is run some injector cleaner through it, replace the spark plug, and, a long shot, but try disconnecting the battery for a minute or two to reset the system.

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        • #5
          Posted earlier by golfcartg
          This would be what the dealer will inspect (see attached chart).

          Since it’s covered under warranty, best you could do is run some injector cleaner through it, replace the spark plug, and, a long shot, but try disconnecting the battery for a minute or two to reset the system.
          BTW - when it starts shutting down it also starts to backfire


          • #6
            Posted earlier by Murphy

            Thanks for your reply. It's a Kohler ECH 440. By the time I removed the spark plug it would have run again anyway. I have never heard the pump run, even when it was new, 172 hoors ago. Maintenance switch has never worked which complicates testing and diagnoses. Still under warranty but I am trying to avoid the $350 fee to ship it to the closest Club Car dealer.
            FYI - It ended up being the GCOR


            • #7
              Posted earlier by Murphy

              FYI - It ended up being the GCOR
              Thank you for the follow up and glad the problem has been fixed

              The GCOR was widely used in gas Club Car Precedents for many years, but with the introduction of the Club Car Onward, they typically used the more advanced TRIAC throttle sensor. Unfortunately, for those dealing with similar issues related to this sensor and your cart is out of warranty, Club Car does not currently offer the throttle sensor as a standalone replacement. Instead, you'll typically need to purchase the complete gas pedal assembly, part number 102595502 so it's something to keep in mind if anyone is facing similar issues down the line.


              • #8
                Does this mean the factory used older model parts in my 2022 Onward?


                • #9
                  Posted earlier by Murphy
                  Does this mean the factory used older model parts in my 2022 Onward?
                  Probably not as they function differently do not interchange, its more likely they are just using generation 1 terminology (see attached photo)

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