1996 Club Car won't charge


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  • 1996 Club Car won't charge

    I have a 96 club car carryall with a FE 350, it will not charge. I have replaced the starter/generator it was a CCW we replaced it with a CW wired backwards, and then replaced the volt regulator. Still no joy. The new volt reg has 6 wires on it the old one had 3. This all started with a failed starter. Any body know what else to check?

  • #2
    First, run a test to check that your new starter generator is actually putting out a charge now that it is running in reverse.


    • #3
      I've done that too, I get get voltage but it's not 14v. It's around 7-8 volts depening on RPM. Also since I've changed the Voltage regulator the windshield wiper only works when the switch is turned to the start posistion.
      Updated by ENC(sw); April 22, 2008, 09:43 AM.


      • #4
        [quote=ENC(sw);553]I've done that too, I get get voltage but it's not 14v. It's around 7-8 volts depening on RPM.


        • #5
          Okay, now it's doing somthing funny. It brieflyhit 16V now 0V to actually pulling from the battery. I also found that I disconnect the black jumper wire on the relay it don't pull from the battery but it don't charge either. I have no earthly clue what is going on. I need a good wireing diagram and a service manual any body have one I could download. I have 2 of these carts the wiring does not even look the same and they are both 96 carryalls.
          Updated by ENC(sw); April 22, 2008, 01:07 PM.


          • #6
            7May08- I replaced the starter generator with a CCW and it works perfectly. I tried to tell the dealer it would not work because the generator was wound differently but he told he had done this before, with the same results I suspect. CW S/G is not interchangeable with CCW the starter portion will work but the generator will not.


            • #7
              I didnt think that it would put out a charge in reverse, glad the problem was found!


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