Club Car Gas - Install Lighter


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  • Club Car Gas - Install Lighter

    I have an 06 Precedent - Gas Engine, and want to install a cigarette lighter. Does anyone out there know which of the pre-wired wires inside the dash I would hook that up to?

  • #2
    I'm not sure which wire but it would be easy to test until you find a suitable keyed hot. Use this kind of tester, available at any auto parts place.
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    • #3
      That's what I ended up doing. It was the blue wire. I also put a 10 amp fuse in the line, and it works great. Charges my phone well, so that I can use the GPS app. Thanks for the suggestion.


      • #4
        Posted earlier by dmartensen
        I have an 06 Precedent - Gas Engine, and want to install a cigarette lighter. Does anyone out there know which of the pre-wired wires inside the dash I would hook that up to?
        hey dmartensen, since you also have a 2006 precedent like mine, can you feel the heat from the exhaust through the seat? mine is pretty bad and annoying.


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