96 Club Car RPM Limiter


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  • 96 Club Car RPM Limiter

    Have a 96 gas club car ds. I needed a wiring diagram and found the one posted by Matti on this site. The diagram doesn't show how to wire the rpm limiter and that's the wiring diagram I need. I also need the wiring diagram for the ignitor.

    I searched other threads and found a thread submitted from another guy with the same issue. Matti answered the thread but PM'd the guy the information and didn't post it to the thread. I would like to get the wiring information on how to wire the rpm limiter and ignitor.

    P.S. Matti's diagrams are absolutely the best and easiest to read diagrams I've found on the net. I just need a diagram showing the wiring for a few more parts.


  • #2
    there is only one wire that goes to the box the solonid is in. ( white with black stripe) it hooks to the long lead of the limiter, the other short lead goes to your igniter. if you have one. small little metal 1in sqr box mounted behind the limiter. it's about 80.00. OR you can update the coil wich has the igniter built into it.


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