micro switch, selinoid, or key switch?


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  • micro switch, selinoid, or key switch?

    Hello everyone, I just picked up a club car gas golf cart, owner said it worked fine a few months ago but now it doesn't do anything, I messed around with it and got it to turn over when I lay a screwdriver over the starter selinoid. Also it only gets spark when you hit the gas pedal. I'm new to these things but what do you think is the problem? When I hit the gas pedal it doesn't click or anything, micro switch? Key switch? Also the lights don't come on. Any input is helpful as I never worked on one. Thanks!

  • #2
    to GCF.
    I'm not a gas guy but it sounds like you either have a low battery or bad connections. I would check the battery and clean all the connections including the grounds.
    Some other things we will need to know is what year is your cart?
    Updated by dougmcp; January 26, 2012, 01:44 PM.


    • #3
      Its a 95 I believe, I started it today with the screw driver over the seliniod and drove it arond the yard, shut it off and it started back up with the gas pedal a half a dozen times, drove it alittle more and now it won't work again. Any ideas?


      • #4
        Posted earlier by ilovemynewClubCar91
        Its a 95 I believe, I started it today with the screw driver over the seliniod and drove it arond the yard, shut it off and it started back up with the gas pedal a half a dozen times, drove it alittle more and now it won't work again. Any ideas?
        Did the battery go dead? Did your screwdriver trick work again after it didnt work? Your solenoid is probably no good if the battery is good and the connections are clean and tight at both the terminals and the solenoid.


        • #5
          I just charged the battery and yes the screwdriver trick did work afterwards. My question is, would the micro switches have anything to do with it? I'm going to clean all the grounds and connections tomorrow, I'm leaning towards selinoid. Is there a way I can hot wire the key switch to see if that's the problem? Thanks for all the help so far guys!


          • #6
            Posted earlier by ilovemynewClubCar91
            Hello everyone, I just picked up a club car gas golf cart, owner said it worked fine a few months ago but now it doesn't do anything, I messed around with it and got it to turn over when I lay a screwdriver over the starter selinoid. Also it only gets spark when you hit the gas pedal. I'm new to these things but what do you think is the problem? When I hit the gas pedal it doesn't click or anything, micro switch? Key switch? Also the lights don't come on. Any input is helpful as I never worked on one. Thanks!
            if the light circiut goes through the key switch then yes it could be the problem.The microswitches of which there are 2 on the shifter and 2 in the control box do wear out as well. There is a pie shaped piece that at rest closes the microswitches in the control box, check those while you have the cover off. Also on the back of the shifter is a beige plastic piece with a spring behind it. Put the shift handle in neutral(in the middle) pull that beige piece out and rotate it until it locks in. Now the cart is in maintenance mode and see if it runs when you push the pedal down. It will not run in forward or reverse because this is for Club Car techs to run engine for repairs or diagnostics. Dont forget to put it back in drive mode when your done.


            • #7
              Check the key switch by putting black lead of meter on the - post of battery.

              Place red meter on back of key switch and find the hot side with key off. One terminal should have 12-13 volts on it.
              Ok then put red lead on other terminal and see if it's 0. If so turn key on it should now have 12 volts on it. If it does then it's working OK. Move to next part in the wire to check.
              Micro switches. Do the same for them just keeping moving down the line until you find the bad one.


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