94 DS CC GAS wiring issues


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  • 94 DS CC GAS wiring issues

    I spent the morning repairing the melted wiring. The previous owner lost the key and tried to connect some strange aftermarket switch. I am sure this was the reason for the melting of the wires. So now I have everything re routed correctly, all of the added junk - lights, air horns and stuff- removed. I am going to Homedepot to try and find the four small screws for the back of the ignition switch. For fun I tried my toyota truck key and WaaLaaa!! it works in the ignition. So the only thing I am not sure of is the termination point of the white/black wire that runs through the engine loom to a small black box and an even smaller silver box. The black box has two leads, one is disconnected, looks red or brown and the other is black which is Teed at one point, one side going to the underneath of the engine front (cart front), and the other I believe is where the white/black wire plugs in. any help here would be appreciated, thanks!

  • #2
    Hey Travis, nice fit to have your Toyota key also do the cart!
    It looks like you have reached the 5 post level and your wiring diagram for your cart is here: http://www.golfcartsforum.com/golf-c...g-diagram.html
    If you can't figure it out from the diagram, post up and we'll see what we can help with.
    Updated by dougmcp; December 24, 2011, 12:50 AM.


    • #3
      Okay in the diagram the white/black wire runs into nothing on the page and is labeled to engine kill hook up but doesn't show what all components this entails. This is all that I have left to do. After breaking the plastic T fitting for the fuel tank pick-up I was able to pickup an 1/8 inche brass coupling to replace it and the fuel line fits right over it nice and tight, the clear rubber pick-up hose also fit inside the brass fitting nice and snug so it should be sufficient for pickup of fuel. I was able to get a small bag of #6-32 brass screws to use in the ignition switch since I found a key that works!! I broke the first screw off in the switch because the threads were not correct, bummer. Oh well it happens. I drilled out the screw and easyouted it. I tapped all the holes in the back of the switch to accept the slightly larger screws and it worked well, I nowe have the ignition switch hooked up. I have everything ready except for the one black and white wire. Going to deliver food and presents to the less fortunate tommorow for Christmas with my wife and kids so I don't knoe when I will be back on but if any one can help me with this last item it would be great! I would love to take my kids for a ride in it on Christmas, Merry Christmas to everyone!!


      • #4
        I'm not a gas guy but if you are looking for the termination points for the start and kill switch try here and go to Section G Page 5-4: 94 DS Parts List


        • #5
          That link doesn't pull up any site in my browser


          • #6
            It's a PDF and comes up in mine OK. Try this direct link and see if it works: http://www.bennettgolfcars.ca/manual...c_vehicles.pdf
            If that doesn't work for you send me a PM with your email and I will send you the PDF directly.
            Updated by dougmcp; December 24, 2011, 03:40 PM.


            • #7
              Okay I got the PDF, thanks. I have a bad microswitch for the foot pedal in closed position. I jumped it with a paper clip and it turns over when I turn the key on with the lever in Forward, Pulled the plug, no spark. I hooked the wire that says to #18 Black/white to engine kill hookup, to the wire that goes to the igniter, coil and rev limiter, does this seem correct? I would think that there should be power going to the igniter, revlimiter and coil, but the wire I hooked up to them is not hot. Help would be appreciated, thanks!!


              • #8
                Had another micro switch fall apart on me so I'm done until the new ones show up. Looks like Ill be working on the Grand National in the mean time, Till then thanks for the help and Merry Christmas!!!!!!!


                • #9
                  Sorry it didn't work out, when the microswitches arrive you can get back to it.
                  Enjoy your Christmas!


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