accelerator cable


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  • accelerator cable

    Hi everyone, I am new to your forum and any information I receive will be more than helpful. I just fixed a recent problem on my 06 Precedent Club car. I had gas leaking into my oil pan for the third time, replaced my fuel pump. Hopefully this will fix the problem? Now the accelerator cable is no longer working. I looked underneath it seems to run thru the frame and there's a metal bracket that is also attached to the accelerator that is no longer attached somewhere. There is no space to reach in to reattach the bracket. Does the body have to be taken off to even get to this area?
    Thanks for your help and knowledge.

  • #2
    Hello: I am new here. I am looking for the diagram for the accelerator and the governor cable. The person whom I got the cart from was obviously a back woods hack mechanic.


    • #3
      Posted earlier by fore23
      Hello: I am new here. I am looking for the diagram for the accelerator and the governor cable. The person whom I got the cart from was obviously a back woods hack mechanic.
      Again, try making your own thread rather than hijacking someone elses thread...


      • #4
        Has there been any progress on this? Mine sticks also and I almost hit my work bench today. I had the same issue inasmuch as the cable runs (apparently) through the frame on my Cushman Commander. I have hosed as much WD40 into it as I can to no avail. I do not want to put a heavier return spring on it or take the body off if it isn't necessary.Thanks.


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