07 IQ club car battery warning light


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  • 07 IQ club car battery warning light

    does the battery warning light work the same as it did on the 2001 DS ?

  • #2
    Yes, the battery warning light on an 07 IQ operates similarly to the 01 club car DS model. When the battery light flickers on, it's essentially your cart's way of saying, "Hey, buddy, we're running on fumes here!" It typically illuminates too late when your pack voltage drops below 48 volts (dangerous), indicating that your batteries are nearing a critical low point. It's important never to push your batteries past this threshold, as maintaining a pack voltage above 48.4 VDC makes sure they're operating at least at a 50% state of charge (healthy). However, beyond simply indicating battery health, on some models the light also serves as a watchdog for other potential electrical malfunctions in your cart.

    For a more precise measure of your battery's charge, consider investing in a digital state of charge meter (SOC meter) and learning how to read it properly. These nifty gadgets provide real time insights into your battery's status and are relatively easy to install. You can hook up the digital volt meter across your battery pack to monitor total pack voltage accurately. Pro tip: You can turn it on and off by wiring the negative lead to the end battery of the pack and the positive lead to the backside of the key switch, allowing the meter to power on and off with the key. Plus, consider adding a switch for extra functionality, like checking your reducer voltage.
    Updated by Michael Eddie; April 7, 2024, 10:57 PM.


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