48v Club Car Precedent is slow


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  • 48v Club Car Precedent is slow

    This is the one that ran off in water about 6" deep and got the MCOR wet. That blew the controller. I have a new controller and a new MCOR in it but it is slow now. The voltage on the motor running is 34v. The batteries are good and still putting out 47.9v under load. The motor never got wet or even close. Nothing is getting hot so the connections must be OK. Everything is tight.
    Where do I go from here?
    The only thing that is really left is a bad MCOR or a bad Controller and this acts like it did with the original MCOR. I took the old one apart and it doesn't look like it got wet inside. It must have been the connector getting wet that blew the 5v in the controller.
    I suppose the programming may be hosed but even set to the stock configuration, it should go faster than this. (literally crawling along)

  • #2
    After talking to the guy I bought the controller from (no help) I just started checking stuff and the speed sensor failed the "roll away" test. (No beep when you push it in neutral)
    I threw a new one at it ($12 Amazon) and I think I am back running "stock" speed. I think it was faster before but it may have had the speed code updated.


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