Need a good battery charger.


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  • Need a good battery charger.

    My original charger for a 36 volt Club Car got destroyed in a fire. They do not make the charger anymore, so I bought some no name charger off Amazon. It worked fine for a few months then just stopped working. I had it replaced under warranty. The new one worked for two or three months and just stopped working ( just like the first one). I want one that will work until I replace the batteries with lithium in a couple of years. So, I don't want the best, just a reliable one for a year or two.
    looking for suggestions.

  • #2
    The DPI Gen IV charger should serve you well. Its highly recommended around here and offers settings for lithium battery algorithms if you decide to switch to lithium batteries in the future. Its flexibility would make it a good long term solution I think

    DPI also has great technical support which can be really helpful if you run into any issues or need guidance with setup and fine tuning the charger settings for your specific battery type.


    • #3
      My cart does not have an onboard computer. In this case, will the charger designed for my application still be able to be used with lithium batteries?


      • #4
        Posted earlier by Dix
        My cart does not have an onboard computer. In this case, will the charger designed for my application still be able to be used with lithium batteries?
        You are absolutely correct, 36v club cars did not come equipped with an OBC. It's just one less thing to worry about when switching to lithium. You will, however, need a charger with lithium settings/algorithm, reason being is that the charge phases differ between lead acid and lithium. More info here in post #1 under the title "What about upgrading the charger?"


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