95 club car keeps burning up the generator


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  • 95 club car keeps burning up the generator

    I put a rebuilt generator in my 95 club car. It burnt up after a short time. I then put in a new generator and it burnt up after a few months. Any idea what I should do?

  • #2
    The repeated failures could stem from a couple of potential issues.

    Firstly, check the wiring and connections around the generator. Verify that everything is correctly connected, and there are no loose or frayed wires that could be causing a short circuit. Sometimes, improper connections or damaged wiring can lead to excessive heat and eventually burn up the generator.

    Secondly, consider the load on the generator. If the accessories or components drawing power from the generator exceed its capacity, it can overheat and fail. Double check that the generator is compatible with the electrical needs of your Club Car and that there isn't an excessive load causing the burnouts.

    Lastly, inspect the voltage regulator. A malfunctioning or incompatible voltage regulator can lead to overcharging, which is detrimental to the generator's health. Make sure the voltage regulator is in good condition and suitable for use with your generator.
    Updated by Michael Eddie; April 25, 2024, 06:14 PM.


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