Top Speed Down Even Though Batteries Appear Good - Bad Motor Controller???


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  • Top Speed Down Even Though Batteries Appear Good - Bad Motor Controller???

    My used Club Car that I got used/refurbished maybe 2-3 years ago, is down on top speed. What happens, when flooring it, is it starts to go fast, then something "trips out", and coasts to a slower speed and is keeps running a slower speed floored.

    Is there like a motor controller circuit board that could be bad???

    I've checked all six battery voltages, both just parked, and when charger is hooked up & they are charging, and in both scenarios, voltages of all batteries are pretty much reading equal.

    Any ideas? Thanks!

  • #2
    Update!!! A $17 speed controller did the trick! All back to normal. A whole lot cheaper than having the golf car shop pick it up & fix it.

    BTW: The instructions were way more complicated than it need to be; they said you needed eleven (11) tools including 2 star key wrenches, 3 box wrenches, circlip pliers, 2 sockets, socket wrench, screw driver, and rope. All I needed was a socket/wrench and a flat screw driver.


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